Shine from the inside out

We are not looking for trend or luxury. We want TOMCIE to be a platform for positive change, self-expression and community-building.


"Will is the desire to act, courage is taking action".

We believe that courage allows us to pursue our dreams and passions with confidence and determination; standing up for what we believe in to create a positive impact in the world.


"There is no better outfit than authenticity".

We believe that sincerity creates a foundation of trust and respect; powerful tools to build loyalty and community.


"There is no worth on being great on expenses of other's welfare".

We believe that respecting life as a whole (people animals, plants, environment) is necessary for achieving success and positive impact in the world.


"Commitment is not important for any lasting relationship, it is essential".

We believe that commitment is a key ingredient in successful as it provides a sense of purpose, focus and direction in actions and decisions towards building a better world.